Today's The Big Day Readers! - Help Wanted

Are Ya Ready Readers?... I hope you are, because we will be tackling the first episode of Spongebob shown on air! Taking us all the way back to May 1, 1999, this episode set up some of the most important foundations for the rest of the show. So let's dive in...get it..dive in..cause they're underwater...ok cool moving on... Before going further, please take time to watch the episodes or you will not understand some references: (you should be fine, no viruses so far) Help Wanted Right off the bat, we are welcomed to our setting by a relaxing French narrator. According to the creator of the show, Stephen Hillenburg, the narrator being French is apparently some sort of shoutout to Jacques Cousteau, who also liked the ocean and water and stuff...Anyways, Frenchy somehow read my mind when I saw the Pineapple and says "well of course he lives ...