Are Ya Ready Kids?...

...I can't hear you!!....

If you didn't verbally or mentally scream "AYE AYE CAPTAIN!" then please leave this blog now. lol...probably think I'm kidding right? hahWRONG!  I'm serious.  This blog is for the goofiest of goobers.  If you think Spongebob Squarepants is anything but the best Nickelodeon cartoon ever made then you will probably find this blog to be silly and ridiculous.  Actually, it'll be silly and ridiculous no matter who you are, but only the true fans of Spongebob will enjoy reading this almost as much as I do writing it.   I say "almost" because I firmly believe no one loves Spongebob as much as I do.  I've won a Spongebob trivia contest by myself, and yes, I've included that accolade on a resume that I have used to get a job...but that's another story.

Anyways, I hope you like this.  This is where I will be reviewing and analyzing the Spongebob episodes we all know and love.  Disclaimer: I'm not a great writer, just a huge fan, expect typos and grammatical errors.  That being said, if ya like it, let me know.  If you want to talk more about an episode, comment, because I'll talk about Spongebob for hours.

So let's get to it. I'm ready. I decided to make this first post about the only logical thing to start with: the theme song and intro.

Here's a link to the full intro so you can get in the mood.

I tell ya what, there was no better way to start the day as a 7 year old than with a pirate Chad Kroeger screaming at you.  Painty the Pirates voice (actually Patrick Pinney) still echos in my ears today as a 23 year old...I hear it every time someone says "I can't hear you" or "Are ya ready?"...I hear it when I lay down to sleep...I hear it literally ALL THE TIME I CANT SLEEP SOMEONE HELP!!...but yea what a great theme song right??  So simply and easy and sing along with!  I bet my parents loved it when that song came on.  I can even remember the joyous tears flowing from their eyes as my siblings and I screamed the main character's name over and over again and danced around the living room!  But even if they didn't I'm sure we could agree that Spongebob's intro was the perfect mix of simplicity and stroke-inducing transitions.  The rapid color changing and movement, mixed with trying to figure out what the heck Painty was saying, probably went a long way towards developing my adolescent mind.  And the word "porous"??  Who knew what the heck that meant when you were 7???  I didn't!! AND BOY WERE MY PARENTS PROUD OF ME WHEN I WENT TO LOOK UP WHAT IT MEANT!! So thank you Stephen Hillenburg for the educational boost!

On a real note though, the intro is beautiful.  It's catchy, easy to remember, and brings up feelings of nostalgia whenever you hear it.  Moreover, when you really think about it, the purpose of a theme song really is to simply get you ready for the real show to start.  So what a profound way to start by asking if we are ready!  I'm no theme song expert, but I think this song meets all the criteria for a perfect theme song.

I think I'm going to leave it at that, mainly because there's not much more to say about it for me.  I could tell you about the random memories it brought up for me or the deeper, philosophical components of it...but let's be real, it was pretty cut and dry.  It asked if we were ready, we said we were, for some reason that dumb pirate couldn't hear my screaming at the top of my lungs so I had to yell it again, and then he asked more redundant questions, we keep yelling, he laughs creepily, we wait for the nose flute....that's it.  Moving on.  Next time I go into the first series of episodes.  If you have suggestions of what you'd like me to talk about, let me know.  If you want to make a cover band that covers theme songs, let me know please.

Thanks for the start, I'm outa here.


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