MikhailBob GorbachevPants - Bubblestand

Hello Everyone!

If you're reading this, then you belong to the subgroup of people that I think are the coolest people in the world.  That should mean a lot coming from the guy that writes a blog about SpongeBob episodes.   But if you are one of the (on average) 41.25 readers, then let me know so I can personally thank you.

Today we're talking about Bubblestand.  And much like with most episodes, I was drooling like Mr Krabs when those people offered to buy the soda drinking hat at the thought of typing this blog.

Seriously though this is an iconic episode, so lets get into it.


Holy Halibut this episode is amazing.  I don't know where to start honestly.  I think I'm going to start by attempting to type the bubble blowing technique from memory...ok...soo....
...First you go like thiiis, spin aroundSTOP! Double take three times, one...two...three....theeeeeeeen PELVIC THRUST! Woooooo.....wooooooo. Stop on your right foot, don't forget it! And now its time to bring it around town, bring it arooouund tooowwn.  Then you do this, then this, then this, then this and that and this and that and then....*blows immaculate bubble*
...You can check me on that, I was about a word or two off...that was without watching the episode at all yet.  Seriously though I think the technique is enough to make this episode legendary.  But there is more.

Ok what's next...ummm...YO how about the fact that SpongeBob builds that bubblestand in like 10 seconds.  Even Jesus would be impressed by those carpentry skills.  Strangely enough, Squidward was neither impressed, nor was he interested in Spongebobs capitalistic mindset on charging people to blow bubbles.  This struck me as odd at first.  I mean, for someone as hipster as Squidward, you'd think spending way too much money on something so mediocre would be right up his alley.  He eventually comes around and appears to be reluctantly interested though, which further illustrates how hipster Squidward is, and further highlights why I hate you Squidward how dare you get mad at spongebob for trying to make that guap and your sorry a$$ couldn't hold a tune in a bucket on that clarinet.  Sorry...I'm getting off topic.

What I really want to focus on is something a little more serious.  What I want everyone to know, is that this episode was clearly Stephen Hillenburg's (the producer of spongebob) attempt to highlight the collapse of the Soviet Union!  (Important Citation: Sarah Bayless greatly formulated and impacted the creation of this theory, she deserves most if not all of the credit.)  So, time for a brief history lesson.  Mikhail Gorbachev was Chairman of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union during the 80s and eventually was elected President in 1990 (he was the only candidate on the ballot lol).  During his time, he introduced two policies that I'm sure many of you will recognize, Glasnost and Perestroika.  Along with these political and social changes, he also made many economic reforms.  Essentially, he tried to switch the USSR to a more capitalistic economy while also maintaining a socialist state, which (in short) did not work.  People were pissed, goods were scarce, and the economy collapsed, leading to the fall of the USSR.

SO, I know I probably don't have to even say this next part because the parallels are so evident in everyone's head, but I'm going to anyways.  SpongeBob is Mikhail Gorbachev.  He walked outside, noticed everything was great, the scallops were chirping, etc., and BOOM, he build a bubblestand (capitalism).  Patrick comes out and wants to buy this service, but he doesn't have money so he has to borrow money from SpongeBob (hmm...weird...).  SpongeBob teaches his the bubble blowing "technique"....but wait...Technique....technique translated to Russian is метод, which literally means "method".  The word "method" comes from the Greek work "methodos", which is meta + hodos which literally translates to "the pursuit of a track"...but wait....Track is an Olympic sport...and the Russians were doping during the Olympics...Stephen Hillenburg must have known this and was trying to tell us! HOW DID WE NOT SEE THIS PEOPLE!!?!?!?....

Sorry, back to the episode.  SpongeBob teaches his technique (glasnost and perekstroika) to the simple townfolk (Patrick and Squidward) and shows them how it works, but they cannot execute it like SpongeBob hopes.  Tensions rise until Squidward, in a state of rage, blows a massive bubble (economic bubble?....don't get me started) which looks great at first, but eventually explodes (Chernobyl?) in front of everyone's eyes.  This leaves SpongeBob and Patrick walking home in defeat, and Squidwards house (the future of the USSR) dilapidated and lopsided.

Nailed it. SpongeBob is Russian, I didn't see it before, but now I can it clear as day.  I know I made that pretty brief in terms of the history and connection so if you have thoughts, you should comment below.  Clearly there is a very strange connection that Stephen is trying to make, and its a wonder how the scene below seemed to go right over my head when I was a kid!

This is show is deeper the sea my friends, and we're just getting started.  I can't wait to see what kind of conspiracies this show is about to expose.  OH MAN JUST WAIT TIL WE GET TO THE MOON LANDING EPISODE!!!!  Wow, I'm genuinely convinced that this show is going to have signs for when the world will end.  That being said, the next episode is about SpongeBob taking off his pants in front of Sandy, so if you didn't like this nerdy post, then next week should be better for you.



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