
Showing posts from November, 2017

Pulling 101 - Tea at the Treedome

Hello everybody! If you've made it this far into reading this blog, then you are either a true fan of SpongeBob, or I have been forcing you to read them by annoying you until you do...or both.  Either way, I hope you're enjoying reading these.  I certainly have been enjoying writing them. We will finally be finishing the first series of episodes today with Tea at the Treedome.  I'll remind everyone again to go watch the episode so you can keep up. Here we go. TEA AT THE TREEDOME First things first, this episode features one of the main recurring characters that will play a vital role in the show's future, Sandy the Squirrel.  If this were the first episode you saw, this would be the biggest curveball ever thrown...actually it wouldn't even be a curveball.  This would be like if you were in the batters box and someone chucke...

Squidward is a Hipster - Reef Blower

Hello friends! I apologize for the lengthy pause I took between blog posts.  I've been starting a new job and in Spongebob fashion, I've wanted to dedicate my life to my profession.  Because of this, I haven't had much time and blah blah blah you don't care about my life, what you are here for is to read about our favorite yellow rectangular prism. Today I will be tackling Reef Blower, which the shortest episode of Spongebob, but there's a lot to look at lets....*sigh*...dive in....I know I hate my puns too (no I don't). Again, go watch the episodes because I will not be explaining things in full, I expect the most dedicated fans to look up/remember vividly the moments I speak of. Episodes: REEF BLOWER: We open on...wait...Squidward?...ok that's fine what's he up to?  Well first off he adjusts his crooked flower ...